Sunday, November 8, 2009

Natural Ways To Clear Acne Fast

There are many people who had given up the search to clarify the acne on commercial products and continue in a natural way acne. Are you one of those moments that you in the mirror and hate because of your acne condition look like? Acne appears almost everyone in his life, and it is usually more serious for the time of puberty. If you are currently using drugs or products for acne trade deal with your acne, but it gives you results, use natural methods I am delighted to help you get rid of that your acne. These are the methods I personally used to treat my acne.

Acne affects a larger proportion of young people, and there are also adults who are affected by acne. For adolescents, the effect of the hormone testosterone and excess sebum (oil) acne. There are many causes of acne and acne occur in May due to poor nutrition, hereditary causes or hygienic habits.

The tea tree oil have antiseptic and antibacterial effect, the good options to treat acne, because acne is caused by bacteria and bacterial inflammation, are weakened, the antibodies can, without too much trouble to kill. Aloe vera gel and liquid is effective and popular for the treatment of inflammation. He antibacterial characteristic acne clear your complexion. You can use aloe vera to cleanse your body system, or it can be applied directly on the surface of the skin.

You can make a paste of baking soda and use it to clean your face. This exfoliates the surface of the skin and improves circulation to the skin. Drink at least 8 to 10 glasses of water, with more fruit and vegetables a day can also get rid of acne. You can spread the tomato paste mixed with honey on the skin. Natural ways to clear acne are not expensive and are useful, in contrast to acne. There is no question of covering all methods that help to heal your acne but you can can the methods that I use together before and the results for themselves.

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