Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Avoiding dairy products may help acne

Acne is a disease, an inflammation of the skin, pimples, blackheads and whiteheads leads. It can affect people of any age, but the occurrence of acne peak at 16 to 18 About 4 billion U.S. dollars are spent each year to treat common diseases of the skin and the desire of prevention is great.

Many dermatologists and medical researchers have concluded that there is a link between milk consumption and acne outbreaks occur, and the avoidance of dairy products may help acne. In a study published in the May 2008 issue of the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, adolescent boys with the highest milk consumption had been most severe acne. And, the study II, nurses, a group of women who drank 3 cups of milk per day 22% more likely to experience severe acne, that what one group drank 1 cup of milk a day.

Most people do not know that 75-90% of milk comes from pregnant cows. With milk, consumers are taking the pregnancy hormones naturally in cows milk. To increase the milk production, farmers often give hormones to their cows, which further increases the hormone content of milk. These hormones stimulate the sebaceous glands and in a too oily skin, which is more prone to blockages and acne outbreaks.

Elimination of milk from the diet may help acne. When the hormones are no longer present, the oil is reduced and the series will diminish or cease altogether.

Avoid certain foods to a diet without dairy products: milk, cheese, whey, ice cream, yogurt, butter and foods containing these elements. Dairy alternatives are: fortified soy, nuts, almonds and milk, tofu, oysters, sardines, kale, and fortified orange juice. Individuals on a diet without dairy products should take care to ensure sufficient intake of calcium with calcium.


ken said...

Many years ago I was suffering from severe acne.And of course,
I tried to get rid of it using different treatments and methods and products.
NONE WORKED! I was discouraged. I became upset and sad due to acne.
When I started using Acne Treatment, my skin cleared up greatly in the first month.
By third month, I was 100% acne-free! But don't take my word for it.
Talk is cheap. You will have to see to believe.

Unknown said...

This will help us now to reduce the occurrence of some acne. I don't even think that this dairy products are really one of the risk factor.

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