Sunday, August 24, 2008

Natural Acne Treatments

Everyone at one time or another has had a pimple or blemish. Sometimes this has been a result of using a product that reacted poorly with our skin; such as lotions and cosmetics. For some it happens because they forgot to wash their face. These conditions can obviously be avoided to prevent a breakout.

What about the people who have chronic acne who cant avoid the acne simply by avoiding certain products or washing their face more often? Many of these people turn to harsh prescription and over the counter drugs. Many of these medications dry out the skin often resulting in worse acne.

Often the reason that these people turn to these often harmful cures is that they don’t know that they can use natural treatments to effectively treat their acne. Using natural and herbal cures to treat acne has been going on for hundreds of years. Often with technology surging us forward we forget that sometimes simple methods often work just as well if not better then more complex ones.

Natural and herbal remedies give acne sufferers a safe and effective way to treat their problem. The majority of pharmaceutical medicines have side effects; many have serious possible side effects. With natural cures you have a lesser chance of side effects. In fact most natural cures have little to no side effects if used properly.

If that isn’t enough, when you treat your acne with many natural remedies you are treating both the acne and the cause of the acne. The herbs that are taken and used to treat your acne also provide nutrients and cleansing.

There are many different herbs and natural ingredients that can be used to treat acne. Herbal cortisone is an effective treatment for acne. It is similar to cortisone but doesn’t have the side effects.

Tea tree oil is another natural cure that is effective in treating acne. This treatment has the same effect as peroxide but at a lesser intensity; which makes it cause less dryness.

The omega-3 oils that are most commonly found in fish and other sea food are a great way to prevent acne; as well, as being a great healthy source of nutrients. Keep in mind that not all oils are the same and many are bad for you. These include vegetables and partially hydrogenated oils.

Another natural treatment that is fast becoming a popular acne treatment is zinc. Zinc is a mineral that aids in the fight against clogged pores. As most people know clogged pores are one of the main culprits of acne.

Certain forms of zinc can help to balance hormones that are causing acne. It can also help to encourage the skin to heal itself and clear up acne.

It doesn’t matter how many acne medications that you have tried and had no luck with, you can still benefit from the use of natural and herbal remedies. Even if your acne medication does work trying natural treatments may benefit your skin and your overall health.

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