Sunday, August 3, 2008

Natural Acne Cures Will Clear Your Skin Permanently in 3 Days

Acne can scar a person for life, and what's awful about it is that it can damage self esteem more than it can damage the skin. Some people are held back from achieving their full potential in life just because they have low self esteem as a result of acne.

Acne is the most common skin problem in the world, with perhaps the most number of products being marketed for its cure. Dermatologists make big money out of patients aspiring for clear skin, but often, for these patients, fighting acne remains a life-long battle. Acne is a tough opponent that either keeps coming back or just won't go away.

The chemicals contained in the prescription and over the counter medications have many side effects such as drying of the skin, allergic reactions and many others. It only treats the symptoms and not the cause and does not provide a long term solution. In other words it works as long as you use it and the problem returns when you stop.

Very few people actually know that natural acne cures provides the best and holistic approach. People do not realize that the cause of acne is not a single source, the skin. Acne is caused by bacteria which infect the hair follicles and pores which causes an outbreak. Oily skins have been proven to be more vulnerable to attract acne out breaks than normal skin.

It should therefore be logical to address the problem on both fronts in other words the oil and the bacteria. Gentle cleaning of the skin is important to remove some of the oil and some of the bacteria. Tea tree oil is a good substance to use to address both problems. If you decide to use a skin cleaning substance it is very important that you ensure it is not going to dry or irritate your skin as that would just make things worse.

A healthy diet will also go a long way to preserve a healthy skin. Science has not as yet conclusively established that oily foods cause acne outbreaks but most of the evidence to date does point in that direction. So as a general rule it is best to avoid all fatty foods that contain vegetable oil, which is mostly found in processed foods. Processed foods are currently regarded as the number one acne enemy.

Processed foods should be avoided because of the preservatives they contain and their low dietary value. Rather consume healthy whole foods, fresh fruit and vegetables that can provide your skin with antioxidants which in turn will prevent outbreaks.

A number of new and very exciting natural acne cures have been emerging lately. These cures are all natural and guarantee that it can resolve acne permanently within 1 to 3 days. Chris Gibson who also suffered from severe acne describes a scientifically proven 3 day cure in his book "Acne Free in 3 Days". His cure addresses the issue on all levels and guarantees to permanently relieve you from this miserable condition.

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