Monday, August 18, 2008

5 Proven Blackhead Removal Techniques

As a teenager, I've went through some tough times with my acne. So I ended up doing a bunch of research to find out the best ways to deal with acne and get rid of blackheads. Here are 5 of the top blackhead removal techniques that I've used over the years:

Washing Your Face

This may sound so simple, but a lot of people just don't wash their face properly. I know as a teenager, things are so hectic. During school, we're asked to attend a physical education class. Then we engage in physical activity and break a sweat. I've seen some girls that don't even want to fuss with their makeup. So they just get towel from their locker and use it to absorb some of the sweat. This is what you don't want to do, especially if you're having acne issues.

My rule is to wash your face in the morning, in the evening, and when you really should do it. That includes washing your face after exercising. Pick up a skin cleanser from your local department store that is especially made for morning and night time cleansing. Some cleansers are so strong that you don't want to use them so often. In fact, some can actually dry out your skin and make it harder to remove the blackheads. Make this a habit and you'll get rid of blackheads and prevent them from showing up again.

Using Olive Oil

Some people say that you shouldn't use anything oily on your skin. The truth is that your skin produces oil when your body thinks that your skin needs it. What you want to do is take care of your skin and wash it on a daily basis or when needed.

Olive oil works as a natural moisturizer. By massaging it on your face, you'll naturally rub it away. Since the olive oil works as a lubricant, you can massage your skin vigorously without causing any harm to your skin.

Using Biore

Have you heard of Biore before? Most people use it to remove old pockets of oil from their face. It's a white piece of paper that is made to be slightly adhesive when combined with a little water.

So how do you use it to remove blackheads? All you have to do is take a warm, clean, and damp cloth and apply it to the blackhead. Keep it there for several minutes. After doing so, apply the Biore strip to the blackhead. After 10 to 15 minutes, pull on the strip lightly. The Biore strip should be stuck to the blackhead and giving it a little tug will pull the blackhead away from your skin.

Using a Facial Scrub

The facial scrub helps break away old skin and remove blackheads. In order to use this method effectively, you'll want to use warm water and a dab of the facial scrub cream. Then massage the area where the blackhead is located and rinse. You can repeat this method a few times to see if it will work for you.

Using a Blackhead Removal Tool

You can find this tool in many department stores for around $15. Before using this, make sure that it is clean. Then use a warm towel or warm steam to open up the pores. Then use the tool to remove your blackhead. Make sure that you follow the instructions that are provided.

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