Saturday, November 7, 2009

10 Natural ways to get rid of Acne For Good

Here are ten easy ways to get rid of acne and reduce your break.

1. First, never pop, scratch or rub the pimples. This is only an increase in sebum production and rupture of the membranes under the skin. This means that the spread of infection under the skin and create more buttons. This is the last thing you want. In addition, your buttons appear to increase the risk of permanent scarring on the skin.

2. Take plenty of fresh air and sun on the skin. Sunshine promotes vitamin D production, which is necessary for healthy skin. Sunshine and fresh air will also reduce stress and provide increased oxygen to the skin. Be careful not to get sunburned. Always wear a quality sunscreen when you plan in the sun more than a few minutes. Burned skin can not create a layer on the surface of the skin well with peeling and clog the pores.

3. I know this is easier said than done, but try to keep your stress low. Relaxation exercises or meditation can be helpful. Stress can cause acne, and is not good for your skin. Tip: Listen to your favorite music or take a long walk to help take the stress. Internet searches for the word "remove the stress for many good ideas to reduce stress.

4. Use a mild soap to wash your face twice a day. Once in the morning and once before bed. Too much washing will only irritate the skin and make it red. You can try sulfur soap-based, so you can find. This is a special soap for acne. Just use only a little bit before we know how your skin reacts to it. He works for some people. Use a soap with benzoyl peroxide, if you have oily skin. You can also use Dove soap for washing softer. Never use rough sponges on your face. Use a soft cotton wash. Wash your face. It is stimulating and sebaceous glands produce extra sebum. This will increase the acne.

5. Do not wear too much makeup. Wearing makeup can clog pores and pimples and blackheads will appear. If you download software Make-up, try and use a product with water. Remember, make-up brushes to be cleaned regularly. Always clean your skin after removing your makeup.

6. Drink lots of water per day. Drinking eight glasses of water rinse goodwill from your system and help you solve your acne problem. It carries waste from your system and really helps to acne outbreaks down.

7. Take a look at your acne to break out and see if there is even worse after eating a particular food type. If yes, then you can adjust to your diet and avoid these foods in the future. Some people are very sensitive to food. In the case of an allergy can be acne caused by certain foods. Take it easy on spicy foods and fatty foods. Too much is not good for you or your skin. Milk contains hormones that increase your acne to break out. So seafood that is rich in iodine, can also affect your skin. Try to limit consumption of these foods when possible. In addition, try to dairy products, fried foods, avoid nuts, butter, sugar and meat. A little is OK. So do not go overboard. Juice of fresh vegetables and green vegetables are rich in zinc can contribute to your acne. Try to eat as many vegetables as possible.

8. Get plenty of exercise to help blood circulation and eliminate toxins from your body. Not only good exercise for your body, it is also good for your skin.

9. Try your skin as to keep clean as possible. Do not touch your face too much and do not rest your chin on his hands and arms bare. Use a good shampoo your hair be kept clean and grease free. Keep your hair from his face as much as possible. Use the links or something like that hair, if you also have.

10. Stay away from products that contain lots of fat. Skip hair creams and facial moisturizers and oily detergents based on oil.

I hope you find these tips useful for acne. Try these things and should reduce your acne within a short time.

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