Friday, October 30, 2009

Best cure for acne - the best remedy for acne
Acne is a skin disorder most often, which can be caused by several factors. Acne is usually on the forehead, cheeks, chest and back. The severe acne can leave unsightly scars on the skin. There are much better and lasting acne treatments available that are gifted to us by our mother nature.

Do you suffer from acne?

Acne kick your life forever by the fastest in the world acne treatment that really works to

World's Fastest Acne Cure

Garlic is known known for its antiseptic properties. Rub raw garlic on the acne affected skin is an effective way to treat acne. Garlic can be used as an antiseptic to be used to kill bacteria on the skin. To cleanse the skin, try to eat 3 seeds of raw garlic. The blood purification improves the oxygen supply to the skin cells, which helps better in combating acne skin and get rid of them permanently.

Make a paste with an orange peel and water for acne affected area every day.

Another best remedy for acne is lemon juice. Push the lemon juice in a small container. Apply the lemon juice on your acne affected skin with the help of cotton.

Apple cider vinegar is an effective and lasting cure for many diseases, including acne. Try to use cider vinegar (undiluted) for areas where acne.

Take a piece of potato, you rub it on your acne affected are the skin, allow it to affect approximately 10 to 15 minutes and clean water.

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