Saturday, May 15, 2010

7 ways to cure acne naturally and easily

The skin is a reflection of how your body is toxic. Sometimes the liver in the treatment of waste is blocked, and it pushes the rest of the waste in the body through the skin. Acne describes white buttons, black or cysts. It affects the surface and inner layers to the skin. Treatments for acne acne can heal from the surface of the skin, but if you want to prevent their redevelopment, change your diet.

A fundamental reason for acne is clogged pores. Now you can try, using a topical lotions or creams to heal, but it is not very effective because the treatment of current buttons that treat only the symptoms, not cure the problem and like me always say, the symptom not the problem . To get rid of pimples quickly and comprehensively in some of the best ways.

1. Acne occurs because the dirt is not just dirt on the surface of the skin but also inside the body too. Therefore, a healthy diet for five days to help cleanse the body from the inside, where you can eat vegetables, fruit and water. Such as fruits and vegetables are rich in fiber, it will help cause the colon and get rid of that clear toxins from your colon that acne.

2. Stress can increase the oil into the skin. If the oil can is connected to the ground, it bursts through blockages cause pores. So go for a good night's sleep, avoid stress.

3. Wash your hands often and do not touch your face. You probably did not realize how much you touch your face during the day. Make sure to wash your hands touch as much as possible and not in the face because the dirt and oil clog pores on your hands!

4. Rosehip Seed Oil is another herbal remedy that have amazing results in the treatment of acne. It is useful in the treatment of damaged skin by the sun and the removal of acne scars and wrinkles. This is because it has anti-aging. A few drops of oil should be massaged into the areas of acne on the face.

5. The water is very useful for cleaning your skin. You should drink at least five fifty-six glasses of water per day. This helps toxins from your body and your skin moisture. Avoid drinking soda and other carbonated beverages.

6. Cucumber juice is another good way to natural acne treatment. You can cucumber over the affected area or apply grated acne, you can put a little cucumber juice on the affected area. Anyway, it offers the kind of results you want with your skin.

7. Change collect your pillowcase every few days, grease, dirt and oil on the pillow if you sweat all night. Make sure each day will be changed to reduce your chances of buttons.

Although the remedy has worked for you, this time you must be careful and take precautions to avoid the development of pustules on the skin. Keep your skin clean is the key to the formation of a key to prevent.


Unknown said...

many factors causes the formation of acne, and I agree with the statements above. So, we must take good care of our skin to prevent such problems.
Cucumber is amazing, I love cucumber, makes the skin smooth.

Unknown said...
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