Monday, December 7, 2009

Tip 3 most effective, as the Get Rid Acne Fast

Here are the 3 most effective advice on how to quickly rid of acne. You should try it before the treatment of acne love.

1. You need your own face. You should do this on a daily basis, and you must impose this discipline, especially at night. Note that you should wash your face with mild soap about 3-4 apart and do not forget to wipe too.

In order to get rid of all excess oil and bacteria from the skin of the face. You also need to remove all makeup before going to bed at night or right after the return home. You should use a facial cleanser for the cleaning of the face to unauthorized use and to open the pores. You can disable acne close to tame your body with this method, approach, and help your existing acne.

2. You should only use the right drugs. This applies to over-the-cream for acne, or your home-made drink. If your skin reacts to the drug and unhealthy way of your chosen product is not working, then you should no longer use. However, if you have an acne cream that benzoyl peroxide, or if you heal your baking soda or toothpaste on your acne without skin reaction to continue, then the processing.

3. Expel toxins from your body. Normally, acne is a sign that your body has trouble is inside. Therefore, you must wash a good diet and plenty of water. You should avoid fried foods and foods from refined flour, because the consumption of these foods is your skin like the blooming fresh flowers to make. If you detect an attack against acne examine and change his diet to get results more quickly.

The 3 most effective advice on how to get rid of acne fast makes your facial skin spots are free for life and it will also prevent new attacks acne from disturbing you in the future.

1 comment:

Izahan said...

Here are simple tips that could help you get rid of pimples :

1. The first and foremost tip is to keep your skin clean. You should wash your face at least two times a day. Use glycerin or sorbitol soap.

2. Keep your hands off of your face. This is extremely important. Unless your hands have just been washed.

3. Drinking water. Your body is full of toxins that cause pimples. So, when you drink plenty of water, you flush the toxins out.

4. Eating healthy. Try to avoid eating junk foods and fast foods. It is advisable to quit eating oily, spicy and junk food which can aggravate pimples.

More tips here, Get Rid Of Pimple