Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Tips to minimize enlarged pores

People today are so much beauty. Many have wanted to look like a lot of just good and feel young. How? You start with your skin! But what if you have open pores? These large pores reduce the attractiveness of the face. What can we do? First you need to know some of the causes of the open pores.

Causes of enlarged pores

Excessive oil production is either hereditary or just in the phase of puberty when the sebaceous glands, the amount of oil, begin to increase flows through the pores.
Drying of the skin
Excessive sun exposure
Poor nutrition
Lack of hygiene
Removing acne blemishes, or other

If you are guilty of the above reasons, you need to start working, if you also want to have nice skin, like what your favorite star is a. It is also possible and practical. Here's how:

Keep your skin healthy and clean.Wash your face at least twice a day with soap or facial cleanser for your skin type. Never use the make-up on sleep, because it clog the pores. Gently exfoliate your skin at least once a week to ensure that the dead skin will not stay on the pores. After washing your face, apply a good toner or astringent sweet. Ending it with a non-oil moisturizer. Choose products that are gentle for your skin type. Use draw a weekly mask pores and do not forget to apply the SPF when you go.
Drink plenty of water to prevent dehydration of the skin.
Eat fruits and vegetables every day to help your skin to preserve the elasticity. There is also another way to relieve stress is known to make the skin look old.
Not too much make-up. Less beautiful. Too much makeup can clog the pores. You should let your skin breathe. Do not cover the large pores, with tons of foundation on them because it makes your pores open just overloaded. Remember to maintain the cleanliness of your makeup brushes and sponges.
Keep your hands clean. Whenever possible, avoid touching your fault.
Follow these tips and see the difference in just a few weeks. If you have a serious enlarged pores, it is best to consult a dermatologist for a better treatment.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This is a good way to promote social health for people out there. Many teens are fighting a battle against the acne problems and even to other skin problems. It is good to help them thru info's.
