Thursday, August 21, 2008

Combat Acne: The Natural Way

Acne is caused by a number of different stressors working on the body at the same time. To treat it effectively all these issues must be addressed.
There are many natural ways to regain clear skin but to truly see the benefit from a holistic regime a two-sided approach needs to be taken: internal and external.


Doctors say that diet doesn't cause acne and this may be true. However, for anyone who is already struggling with skin breakouts, what you eat can and will aggravate your problem.

Our bodies are complex integrated organisms and everything we do has an impact on how we feel and how we look. The human body was not designed to process foods containing refined sugar, white flour and hydrogenated oils and so eating these places undue stress on your internal systems. For someone who is 100% healthy this added stress does not show externally, however, for anyone with a health issue, such as acne, it has an obvious impact.

With this in mind the first step to a good acne program is to look at the foods you are putting in your body and change any bad eating habits.

- Eliminate all sugar and refined flours from your diet: Sugar and refined flours trigger an overproduction of insulin in the body. Insulin controls hormone production and high levels of certain hormones will trigger acne.

- Eliminate hydrogenated oils and fatty fried foods: These cause the digestive system to grind to a halt. An overburdened digestive system means a build up of toxins in your body. These toxins then need to be excreted somehow. Bad fats also cause more oil to form in and on the skin.

- Eat more whole grains, fruits and vegetables that will help your digestive system and provide vital nutrients to your body.

- Eat oily fish, such as salmon, to ensure you have enough good fats in your system. A diet lacking in fat is just as detrimental as a diet rich in bad fats.
- Eat plenty of carrots. The Vitamin A in carrots will help prevent excess sebum production. Sebum is the fatty substance that causes acne.

- Drink plenty of water. This will help your body flush toxins from your system.


- Green Tea Extract and drinking green tea has been shown to improve acne. High antioxidant levels help to reduce free radicals and improve the body's immune system.

- Olive Leaf Extract and tea has anti-viral and infection fighting properties.

- Probiotics will help to keep good bacteria in your digestive system. A strong digestive system will help to stop your acne breakouts.

Skin Treatments

There are a number of different natural products that can help to clear your acne blemishes.

- Tea tree oil: This essential oil has anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties due to the active constituent terpinen-4-ol. Use a 5% dilution solution (5ml tea tree oil in 95ml of water). There are many natural acne products on the market now with Tea Tree Oil as their active ingredient. (Never take Tea Tree Oil internally.)

- Aloe Vera Extract: Many people are aware of the soothing properties of Aloe Vera. It has anti-inflammatory effects when applied to the skin and will aid in the healing of acne scars.

- Witch Hazel is a great natural astringent for cleaning skin, however, it can interfere with certain medications so be sure to discuss this product with your doctor before using.

The best acne-clearing programs combine natural treatments and dietary changes. This full body approach will provide lasting results for your skin.

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