Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Acne Treatment : Do You Make These Mistakes When Treating Acne?

Acne is the most distressing skin problem one can go through . Almost 90% of men and women have dealt with acne at some time or the other. Acne, unlike other skin problems affect people much more deeply. Part of the problems lies in wrong beliefs on what causes zits and how to treat it. This article will highlight some of these mistakes made in dealing with acne.

Mistake #1: Thinking it's just a phase.
Most People live through waves of acne with the mistaken belief that acne is just a phase they are going through . If left untreated, acne can stay till your late 20s and early 30s. That is not as bad as the risk of having those acne become acne scars – permanent acne that could take a decade to go away.

Mistake #2: Following Popular Folklore Advice
In our society, there is no shortage of advice. Acne is no different. Following advice such as “don't eat pizza”, “Wash your face many times”, “avoid oily food” are just plain useless and have no truth in them having helped clear acne.

Mistake #3: Expecting acne to disappear overnight
Recovery from acne breakouts take time. Dermatologists themselves cannot tell how long it will take to treat acne in anyone. It doesn't matter what the proactiv advertisement said, acne treatments take time. You must be patient and follow a treatment plan religiously for a couple of weeks.

Mistake #4: Not Addressing The Emotional Effects Of Acne
Face it . acne makes you feel distressed and helpless . It completely changes your character. Many people live with a lowered self esteem and because of that deny themselves relationships and career opportunities. The most worrying aspect of acne is the emotional damage remains long after acne has stopped appearing .

Mistake #5: Eating Acne Causing Food
Another common misconception is that acne has nothing to do with food . On the contrary, recent scientific studies have revealed a relationship between acne breakouts and diet. No it is not junk food or oily food. Actually , most junk food items or oily food DON'T fall under the category of food items that cause acne!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There is a lot source out there which we can find cure for acne. But first, we must understand our skin type before going further using product.
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