Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Tips for better treatments for the care of the keys.

One of the many results of excess sebum in the pores has become dependent than acne or pimples. Pustules or papules, some of these sentences.

The sebaceous glands produce sebum, which is in the pore. While the skin of the outer layers diffuse the dead skin cells leaving unanimously to note the production of sebum.

Especially if the skin becomes thicker at puberty, causes the dead skin cells blocking the pores.

The sebaceous glands to create more fat, which increases the reason for the restriction is.

This sebum is composed of certain bacteria displayed the variety of grains cause pollution and swelling. During adolescence, influence on the keys of all children and young girls. Is an infection of hair follicles in the chest, back, and especially in the face?

Although the bacteria to act an important role in their growth, the keys are not the effects of the bacteria. No wonder that several females to produce the grain in their mid to late 20s

Women get the corn in 30 years or more, there is a common reason for it, and the other is the use of birth control. Some of the elements that cause acne pimples or increased:

Stress - Reducing stress levels certainly contribute to oil production and thus the symptoms of grain.
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Dry foods - there is no evidence that this causes the keys and there is no specific cause food that cause acne.

But we must do their utmost that the health of skin with a good balanced diet and a good, good amount of peace and purity of a person is usually associated.

Buttons causes

No one factor causes acne. Acne occurs when sebaceous glands (oil) that are in the hair follicle at the time of puberty by high levels of male hormones are stimulated.

Sebum (oil) is a natural substance that protects and moisturizes the skin. In connection with oil production by changing the way the skin cells mature increases, they are prone to clog your follicular openings or pores to.

Clogged hair follicles grow, producing a hit. As the follicle grows, the wall can break, leaving the skin irritations and access to normal bacteria in the deep layers of the skin, eventually leading to inflammation.

Inflammation near the skin surface produces a pustule, more inflammation leads to a papule (pimple), deeper and is a cyst. If the oil breaks down if the surface is the result of a "white spot".

If the oil accumulates melanin or rust, oil changes from white to black, and the result is a "black spot". Blackheads are not dirt and do not reflect poor hygiene.

Keys for the treatment

Clean the skin gently with a mild, non-drying (such as Dove, Neutrogena, cataphylls, Crave or Basic). Remove all dirt and makeup. Wash once or twice per day, even after the workout. However, avoid rubbing the skin or repeated washing.

Wash your hair every day, especially if it is bold. Comb or pull your hair to keep hair from her face.
What you do not:

Try to squeeze, do not scratch, pick or rub the pimples. Although it is tempting sometimes to do so can lead to skin infections and scars.

Avoid wearing tight headbands, hats and other
Do not touch your face with your hands or fingers.

Avoid greasy cosmetics or creams. Remove your makeup at night. Enter formulas for water "non-comedogenic." Non-comedogenic products have been tested and shown not clog pores and cause acne

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks for some informative point and tips for such ways to take care of skin.
