Sunday, October 25, 2009

Common Myths and Facts about Acne

It is very important that you have the true scientific facts about acne before trying any kind of treatment or therapy, to learn acne latest cry in the market. Here are some common acne facts and myths, and what you should know about it.

Wash the areas that often cause acne Fair Will Help - While many people believe that washing areas prone to acne often help their acne problem, the truth is that they actually could worsen the situation. Simply washing areas, which often lead to acne, twice a day is enough. Acne is not to dirty areas, contrary to popular opinion, acne develops when the sebaceous glands is blocked - it's a key.

Eating certain foods will cause acne - in fact, foods no longer associated with acne. If you think you eat a certain food is causing your acne, then just stop. However, there was no evidence found that the researchers could lead to acne include, will stand in relation to food consumption.

Some medications can cause acne - There are many medications that actually cause acne breakouts. Tuberculosis, cortisone, anti-and anti-epileptic drugs may aggravate your condition.

Vitamin A does not necessarily help your acne problem, some people believe that vitamin A may help treat acne. However, vitamin A has no effect on acne at all. If you go too much vitamin A, in the hope that your problem is dealt with, you will affect your health. Vitamin A, if consumed in large quantities is harmful to health.

The inheritance can determine the severity of your acne problem - If you have close relatives, like your parents, who had a severe acne, then you are more likely to have the same problems.

Prices and hormonal changes cause acne - changes that occur in your hormone levels will also cause acne. Androgen is the hormone that is ultimately responsible for the production of sebum by the sebaceous glands. Acne is common among women during the premenstrual or menstrual cycle and pregnancy.

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