Sunday, February 15, 2009

Top 5 Tips to Help Avoid and Control Acne

Acne is often dismissed as the inevitable “rite of passage” that every teenager has to suffer through. However, the truth is acne is not exclusively an adolescent problem; acne in adults is just as common. Moreover, whether you get it as a teenager or as an adult, there are steps that can be taken to lessen the severity of outbreak. Some are rather simple, while others may include the use of an acne treatment. Find the best combination to help you avoid and control your acne.

Tip #1 Cleanse Your Face Gently

Washing your face gently at least twice daily is the best thing you can do to keep the acne under control. Tempting as it may be to scrub your face too hard or use an abrasive skin product in an attempt to rub those acne away; don’t. Use a clean washcloth each time to avoid transferring bacteria over to the area you are cleaning.

Tip#2 Take the Right Vitamins

While many people don’t realize that a great vitamin supplement can help treat and prevent acne. Most people do not get the necessary vitamins in their daily diet and a poor diet is one of the factors that cause acne. Acne vitamins supplements can bring terrific results. They usually contain Vitamins such as zinc that help promote healthy skin and renewed skin growth.

Tip #3 Use Natural Facial Toners and Cleansers

There are a multitude of products available on the market today to help combat acne. Using the wrong products will actually make your acne worse. Look for natural products, such as acne face toners and acne face washes that active contain ingredients including witch hazel, nettle and antioxidants to fight free radicals. Avoid products that contain high amounts of alcohol, as this will only dry the skin.

Tip #4 Choose Cosmetics Wisely

If you have acne, make sure to choose cosmetics that are oil free. The last thing you want is to cover your face with oil and make your acne worse.

Tip #5 Leave Your Face Alone

It is best to avoid touching your face as much as possible. Each time you do so, you transfer oil and bacteria to your face, which can lead to acne. Avoid propping the zits as this will only worsen the acne and leave ugly scars on your face.

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