Friday, December 5, 2008

Acne Prevention Tips

It is difficult to predict exactly when acne breakout will occur, although most of us have a pretty good, but there are some things you can do or precautions you can follow to delay or prevent acne breakout. Even though most of the tips covered here will be simple common sense stuff, you might be quite amazed how many of us fail to follow these simple daily tips.

The key to being, not just acne free but also looking and feeling healthy is make sure your body is well nourished. In other words if you have been neglecting to eat your daily intake of fruits and veggies, it’s time to start. Fruit and vegetables provide our bodies with many essential and in some cases vital vitamins and minerals which are essential for keeping our bodies free of acne and prevent future acne breakouts. Carrot is an excellent example of a vegetable which can help prevent acne. Carrots are rich in beta carotene, form of vitamin A, which is known to treat acne. In addition to proper nutrition, also consider adding multi-vitamins to your daily intake as well as consuming at least 5-8 glasses of water.

Cleanliness is close to godliness, I’m sure you have heard of this saying more than once in your life time. Washing the acne prone skin area with mild acne soap a couple of times a day can do wonders with preventing acne. Washing the skin with mild soap will help with removing access oil build-up from around the infected skin area and keeping dirt, grime, dead skin cells as well as other foreign objects from clogging the skin pores. Also don’t over do it, couple of times a day is all that is required, remember too much of a good thing can also be bad.

Next acne prevention tip has to do with makeup. The rule her is simple, if you can avoid it do so if not then make sure it is non-comedogenic. Non-Comedogenic simply refers to specific property of make-up, in this case its inability to clog skin pores. In other words it will not cause to develop. Make sure that at the end of the day, before bed time, that you thoroughly wash all of the makeup off your face.

My last bit of acne tips include things like making sure that you wash your pillow cases frequently so that bacteria does not make it back on to your skin at night. Also make a habit of washing your hands frequently to get rid of any bacteria and germs which may have make their way onto your hands.

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