Thursday, September 11, 2008

3 Dead-simple Steps You Must Avoid if You Want to Get Rid of Your Acne Effectively

Ever wonder why some people get rid of their acnes faster than others? Though there are of course many factors to it, do you know that many times simple yet crucial steps can be taken by oneself on minimizing of acne growth? Be it mild acne or severe one, our daily self-care is definitely the strong foundation to get clear, beautiful skin.

There are 3 main things that you must avoid at all times to help get rid of acne on a daily basis. We probably know it as a common sense, but the trick here is to keep reminding ourselves and practicing change until it forms a habit.

Dead-Simple Step #1: Never Squeeze You Acne, At All Times

Squeezing is tempting and it seems like an instant result to get rid of the acne. But do you know that no matter how lightly you squeeze your pimples, it is bound to leave bad scars on your skin? Not only that, whether or not you are professional, germs from the acne will spread around the rest of the skin if you are not careful.

Such a method will only make things worst. Can you imagine from a small acne patch now ended up with a forehead full of sore acnes? That is dreadful and I’m positively sure that’s not what we all hope for.

Instead, try putting natural herbs on the acne areas. A mixture of cinnamon powder with honey is a great remedy to cure acne. An alternate method can be boiling neem leaves and applying it onto acne. It is an excellent disinfectant tool.

Dead-Simple Step #2: Avoid Hair Fall on Acne-Affected Area

I get it; many times we do not want to fall as a fashion-idiot and try to have fancy hairstyles that cover almost half of our faces. It may be cool short-term. But the bursting of face full of acne is definitely not cool in the long-run, especially when minimum days to cure acne takes at least 2-3 days.

Do you know that hairs tend to trap bacteria when we sweat? Not only that, hair that is not frequently washed becomes oily and hairs close on the skin will cause pores to clog.

Be it you’re a face acne-prone person or body acne-prone person, try to keep hairs at minimum near to skin. Also, not forgetting to frequently wash these areas with acne soaps (2-3 times a day is the best recommended).

Dead-Simple Step #3: Never Leave Skin-Contact Materials Unwashed

Our clothing, face or bath towel, pillow and bed sheets are some of the things are in constant contact with our skin. Not changing or washing these clothing frequent enough cause germs to grow fast especially when moist.

Try changing,

Clothes – daily;

Bath Towel – 3-4 days once;

Bed Sheets – once a week

The above is only for recommendation. You should tailor suit to your needs and environment. The point here is to place personal hygiene at your utmost priority.

So remember to be consistent in avoiding the 3 steps above at all times. Start by being aware, then practice changing until it becomes a habit. You see, it’s just dead simple and now you are on your way to have beautiful clear skin.

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