Tuesday, July 22, 2008

How to Avoid Acne

So, you’ve got your acne out of the way, but you definitely don’t want it coming back! Here are 10 easy ways to help prevent you getting a bout again:
Remove all your dead cells. Exfoliate - but not too much! Try and do this once a week.
Never use coarse pads or scrubbing brushes - they damage your skin. I see many people who think “I’ll just scrape it all off” I understand your frustration but use creams and take the softly softly approach!
Take steam baths for your face. Fill a bowl with boiling water, add a little tea tree oil and hover your face at least 10cm above the water. Cover your head with a towel to keep steam in and leave for 5 minutes - but remember to come up every so often to get some fresh air. This helps open up your pores.
Stop touching your face! This will stop bacteria and dirt being passed around. Cut the habit.
Keep a clean environment - change your bed sheets at least every two weeks to get rid of oils that pass on from your face. Change your wash cloth regularly and make sure you NEVER share it.
Eat well. This makes you overall healthier and there are proven links between acne and bad foods (think greasy foods). Try swapping white bread for granary.
Drink lots of water. Almost like refreshing your system. There are proven links between milk intake and acne so try to cut down on milk and/or swap it for soya milk or water.
See a dermatologist about getting a schedule and regime set up. They may be able to recommend specialist products.
Wash your face twice a day with warm water to freshen yourself and clean out any pores.
Get a system and STICK TO IT! It is all about being consistent with what you do, out a timetable up if you need to!
Hopefully these tips will have given you some pointers to prevent any out breaks!

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